7 Surprising Benefits Of Cottage Cheese That Show How It Is Good For You

7 Surprising Benefits Of Cottage Cheese That Show How It Is Good For You

1. Helps Fight Cancer
Cottage cheese is used in the popular Budwig Diet, which is one of the best diets for cancer. The diet primarily includes cottage cheese and flaxseed oil and is known to aid cancer treatment.

Cottage cheese is replete with sulfur protein, some healthy saturated fats, and other important nutrients like B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, and selenium. Fermented products like cottage cheese also offer the beneficial probiotic bacteria, which are known to prevent digestive cancers.

The Budwig diet has been found to counter breast cancer as well . Other studies also show how the diet had increased mortality among women already battling breast cancer.

2. Cottage Cheese Can Aid Diabetes Treatment
As per the American Diabetes Association, cottage cheese is the best cheese choice one can make. And low-fat cottage cheese is preferable. Cottage cheese is one good source of protein, a nutrient all the more essential for diabetics.

It is also a brilliant source of calcium and vitamin D – which is a potent combination for treating diabetes. Studies have shown that women consuming adequate levels of calcium and vitamin D (1,200 mg and 800 IU respectively) daily were 33% less likely to suffer from diabetes.

3. Strengthens Bones
The abundance of calcium keeps cottage cheese quite high on the list of must-haves for bone health. This is another reason it can also aid osteoporosis treatment. And apart from calcium, the cheese also boosts your phosphorus intake. Both the minerals make up hydroxyapatite – which is a mineral that contributes to bone density. Several studies show how the lack of both calcium and phosphorus can be detrimental to the bones .

4. Might Boost Digestive Health
The calcium in cottage cheese, surprisingly, can reduce heartburn and prevent an upset stomach. And cottage cheese is one good source of probiotics – which is known to boost digestive health and prevent other related issues like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

But the digestive benefits of cottage cheese may not apply to people who are lactose intolerant. If you are lactose intolerant, we recommend you stay away from cottage cheese and consult your doctor.

5. Might Cut Risk Of Heart Disease
Cottage cheese contains vitamin B12, which is one nutrient known to reduce excess levels of homocysteine. Excessive homocysteine can cause heart problems and other neurological issues, which cottage cheese might prevent.

Cottage cheese is also naturally low in fat, which is another reason it might be good for heart health .

However, more studies are required in this regard. Please consult your doctor before using cottage cheese for this purpose.

6. Cottage Cheese Can Help In Bodybuilding
Cottage cheese is a steady source of muscle-building protein (one cup contains 27 grams of the nutrient). More importantly, the cheese contains casein protein – which gets digested slowly and offers your body a steady supply of important amino acids.

And the riboflavin in the cheese helps metabolize protein. It boosts bone health, which is especially important for bodybuilders. Eating cottage cheese before going to bed is one good way to get the protein your muscles need.

The cheese also helps prevent muscle cramps, thanks to its natural sodium content. Sodium helps maintain normal body-fluid balance and even works with other electrolytes to improve muscle contractions.

7. Can Aid Weight Loss
The protein in cottage cheese can keep you full, and this means you eat less, which means you have a chance of shedding some pounds in a healthy manner. Some research also suggests that calcium (which cottage cheese is rich in) from dairy foods can stimulate fat-burning and suppress fat accumulation – ultimately helping in weight loss.

Cottage cheese is also known for its low calorie content. This is another plus if you want to lose weight.