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Un buen remedio casero para ayudar a controlar la presión arterial alta es tomar el jugo de limón con agua de coco o consumir las cápsulas de ajo diariamente porque estos ingredientes poseen propiedades que ayudan a controlar la tensión arterial.Aunque estos remedios caseros son útiles para complementar el tratamiento para la presión arterial alta, sólo deben tomarse con el conocimiento del cardiólogo, ya que no sustituyen los medicamentos recetados por el médico.1. Agua de ajoEl agua de ajo es una excelente forma de regular la presión arterial debido a que estimula la producción de óxido nítrico, que es un...

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It goes without saying that your heart is one of the most important organs you’ve got. It is responsible for pumping life-sustaining nutrients and oxygen to the rest of the body, while sending body waste to the liver and kidneys for disposal.Without a strong heart, you cannot have a strong body.A weak heart muscle is usually the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices that have occurred over time. The most common cause of a weak heart is a previous heart attack.Nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle modifications are the best tools you have to strengthen your ticker. Improving these behaviors can slash...

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Un buen remedio casero para ayudar a controlar la presión arterial alta es tomar el jugo de limón con agua de coco o consumir las cápsulas de ajo diariamente porque estos ingredientes poseen propiedades que ayudan a controlar la tensión arterial.Aunque estos remedios caseros son útiles para complementar el tratamiento para la presión arterial alta, sólo deben tomarse con el conocimiento del cardiólogo, ya que no sustituyen los medicamentos recetados por el médico.1. Agua de ajoEl agua de ajo es una excelente forma de regular la presión arterial debido a que estimula la producción de óxido nítrico, que es un...

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Corn meal with hypertensionCorn FlourCorn flour can be coarse and fine grind. The first one produces a slightly grainy bread, more crumbly and dense, from the second - bread is more tender and rises better. Of the corn flour, many national dishes are prepared: hominy . to polenta . was killed by . bannush . baler .traditional Mexican tortillas , etc.To date, the demand for corn flour has greatly increased, it is widely used in confectionery and pasta industries, its nutritional properties have become widespread in . From corn flour, useful and incredibly tasty corn bread is cooked, and the...

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varicose veinsmost cases this problem is manifested only as cosmetic defect. However, there are situations when varicose veins brings physical discomfort and negatively affects their health issues, ailments such as phlebitis (inflammation of veins), the formation of ulcers on the skin, thrombosis, etc. Fast enough to get rid of varicose veins you can use: laser surgery; sclerotherapy; veins removal. However, there is also a more simple and completely painless method of prevention and of varicose veins – following a special , designed phlebologie. The basic principles of a for varicose veins To get rid of ugly, painful veins in the...

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